Documents made with LATEX!

   What LATEX can do?     

How much better are documents made with LATEX as compared to, say, Microsoft Word or Apple's Pages?  

Are they visually comparable with other word-processing apps? 

Here, I've selected some (made with LATEX documents) from the Internet plus some are my own work. 

Have a look at what today's computers; with LATEX software can produce. (without  the need to go to a publisher!)

NOTEWhen source is indicated as Tex  StackExchange  , pages are from the webpages:
Showcase of beautiful typography done in TeX & friends

1.  A 16th century styled-French bible designed to look old-fashion with LATEX!

source:Tex  StackExchange  

2.   Arabic script with a choice of fonts. I think the last one(font) is for writing Persian language 

source:Tex  StackExchange  

3.    Arabic script with equations

[source:Tex  StackExchange  ] 

4.    An example of a formal article for publication

[source : [source:] 

5 Lecture notes in Italian


6  Styled after Nicholas Bourbaki Group's mathematic books, a page showing beautifully typeset mathematical equations & formulas in between text.



6  Two pages from my own PhD thesis using the Andre Miede's template (that is based on Robert Bringhurst's book ELEMENTS OF TYPOGRAPHIC STYLE)

7  An old-styled (late 18th century) mock up book of the History of Taxonomy.

8  A dictionary page made of a language that I don't know.

So you see, with LATEX you can make almost any type of document there is to make.

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